Utilities and miscellaneous

Utilities and miscellaneous

File renaming

Working with files containing special characters is cumbersome (especially in the terminal) and the FAT filesystem, for example, does not allow them. The detox utility removes umlauts1, spaces and special characters, such as ?, and replaces them with an underscore (_) (or in case of & with an _and_). I install the detox package:

sudo pacman -S detox

And to rename files with it I navigate to the directory of interest and run:

detox -rv


For some interoperability2 during advanced tasks such as labeling partitions of Windows filesystems (FAT, exFAT and NTFS3) or dealing with control letters (DOS or Windows carriage returns4), I install the following packages:

sudo pacman -S dos2unix dosfstools exfatprogs ntfs-3g

Consider to install e2fsprogs for ext4 partition tasks if this is not installed by dependencies, already.

Password manager

I use a local password manager5 to generate random secrets and store secret information for convenience and security. My favorite application is the cross- plattform application KeepassXC. It uses encrypted password database files and can be installed with the command:

sudo pacman -S keepassxc

For browser integration, (see #Web browser section of the Multimedia and web guide) you need to install the add-on KeepassXC-Browser. Click the Add-ons and themes option in LibreWolf’s menu, or open a new tab and navigating to the page about:addons, or the use the <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<a> keystroke.

In KeepassXC go to Tools > Settings > Browser Integration > Advanced > Config Location: and add ~/.librewolf/native-messaging-hosts to finish the integration setup.

Scientific calculator

SpeedCrunch is feature-rich a scientific calculator with a keyboard-driven interface documented in the page First Steps. I install the speedcrunch package as follows:

sudo pacman -S speedcrunch


Imagine the information security compliance guideline says you need an antivirus but you run Arch Linux. — libredefender6

As the primary reason I’d use an antivirus scan is to prevent that I unintentionally spread such malware7 when sharing files with users of Windows8 systems, for example. For this reason, I install the libredefender package to run a malware scan on demand:

yay libredefender

To instantly update the malware definitions, I execute:

sudo freshclam

Afterwards I can scan a directory such as ~/Downloads by running:

libredefender scan ~/Downloads

In order to prevent libredefender to automatically scan my system on a regular base I create ~/.config/libredefender.toml containing:

## by default libredefender spawns one thread per cpu core
## set to 1 to use a single thread
concurrency = 1

excludes = [
    # may contain virus files for studies

skip_hidden = true
skip_larger_than = "30MiB"

## manually scan for infections
automatic_scans = "off"
#preferred_hours = "09:00:00-17:00:00"
## Do not run scans when on battery
skip_on_battery = true

To verfify this new confoguration I can use the command:

libredefender dump-config
Read the article on ClamAV in the ArchWiki to configure scheduled scans.

Proceed with installing and configuring Office tools in just another guide or go back to the overview and follow instructions for specific use cases.

  1. Umlauts in the Wikipedia ↩︎

  2. Interoperability in the Wikipedia ↩︎

  3. NTFS in the ArchWiki ↩︎

  4. Vim#DOS/Windows carriage returns setion in the ArchWiki ↩︎

  5. Password manager in the Wikipedia ↩︎

  6. libredefender at GitHub ↩︎

  7. Malware in the Wikipedia ↩︎

  8. Microsoft’s Software is Malware ↩︎

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